Did Hikaru Utada & Skrillex take singing lessons?

Singing journey: Hikaru Utada & Skrillex

Singing lessons, teachers, coaches & vocal technique uncovered

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Discovering the Voices Behind the Music: Hikaru Utada & Skrillex

Two artists who have transcended boundaries and genres, Hikaru Utada and Skrillex, each embarked on unique musical journeys influenced by their diverse backgrounds in music, including the ways they learned and approached singing.

Hikaru Utada

Hikaru Utada, a name synonymous with J-Pop and influential across global music charts, has not publicly detailed extensive formal singing lessons. However, her upbringing in a musical family provided her with an organic and rich environment to nurture her talent. Key to her development was blending intuition with skill, a concept highlighted in our article on the balance between these elements in singing. Her ability to convey raw emotion and maintain vocal health, addressed in our guidelines for singers, suggests a disciplined and informed approach to singing.


Skrillex, originally from the band From First to Last, has transitioned into an EDM powerhouse. His vocal style incorporates techniques like vocal distortion and growling, aligning with contemporary trends in vocal performance. For those interested in developing a unique sound similar to Skrillex's, exploring our guide on vocal distortion and trying the How to Growl Exercise could be beneficial.

Both artists have mastered the art of using their voices as instruments, adapting and evolving over time. For individuals looking to emulate elements of Utada's emotive delivery or Skrillex's distinctive sound, it's crucial to start with understanding one's voice. Our Vocal Range Test and Pitch Accuracy Test are excellent starting points for identifying vocal capabilities and areas for improvement.

Developing a voice that can traverse various musical landscapes like Utada and Skrillex involves regular practice and vocal exercises. Utilizing tools such as the Vocal Pitch Monitor and engaging in Pitch Training exercises can further enhance one's skills. Moreover, aspiring singers can benefit from the structured approach found in our 21-lesson singing course, designed to solidify singing theory and practical abilities.

To achieve similar success, commitment to continuous learning and adaptation is key. Whether it's mastering contemporary vocal techniques or ensuring vocal health, resources from Singing Carrots provide a substantive platform for growth. Embrace the journey of singing, inspired by the paths of Hikaru Utada and Skrillex, and explore the richness of your unique voice.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.

Singing Lessons for Absolute Beginners